Talking About Graduation with All the Moms & Dads

Talking About Graduation with All the Moms & Dads

Talking About Graduation with All the Moms & Dads

It’s that time of year for GRADUATIONS!! Hats off to all the hardworking moms and dads out there. You’ve survived all those drop offs and pick ups. You’ve survived all the mood shifts, late and confusing homework, and all the fights about curfew. If you’re like me, congratulations to all the college graduates and their hard working moms and dads. You’ve survived the long distance relationship through snap chat and Face timing. You’ve also survived the cost of getting them through.

Now that the day is approaching, start planning for the day. Begin by reminding yourself of all the small and large sacrifices you made to help them get where they are. Be sure to find time to go buy yourself a cute spring outfit to wear and comfortable shoes.

After that, let the day build by not letting others ruin this time for you. I’ve been sure to leave it to my children to invite the relatives they wanted to be present. My only job is to show up with my smile, my breaths, and a positive attitude.

Yes, this graduation day is about all their accomplishments, but be sure to enjoy every minute. Get all the group pictures you want, take some candid shots, and only keep positive thoughts on your mind. Be sure to give yourself some extra time to get there to get your seat and time to think about all the blessings that showed up along the way.

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