Our Lessons Are To Be Shared

Our Lessons Are To Be Shared

As we experience more life, we find out our true strength. Since we get ourselves into different situations, we learn just how tough we are in a time of adversity. Yet as we find ways out of our circumstances, we need to share our narratives to give others some ideas so they can get out of theirs.

Giving Alleviates Stress

 We can all attest to feeling so stressed that we can’t think. Many around us during this difficult time are feeling just like this. As stress becomes the largest focus, our brain doesn’t get a break to begin thinking of options in order to solve our problems. When a friend takes the risk to speak up about a problem their having, it is our turn to listen and offer our ideas.

Story of Adversity

When my daughter was in her first year of high school, she began to have pain in her abdomen. This happened as my husband was laid off from work. We had to see specialists and have surgeries that were very expensive making us behind on our mortgage.

As we felt the pinch, we decided to use equity in our house until it became very low. This started the process of foreclosure. When this became the only option next to losing our house, we filed for bankruptcy. It wasn’t how we wanted this to end but when we find ourselves in financial trouble, we had to try all options and consider the ones that will work the best in the long run.

Finding Relief

Going to court was scary, but we knew we were on the right track when our judge asked questions about what we used our equity on and wishing our daughter a speedy recovery. I remember him telling us that tough things happen and we did the right thing. All we could do was learn what we could have done better and move on.

Help Friends Out of Adversity

Any time I have a friend reaching out and being vulnerable about their finances, I always share my story. It was in the past but a way of getting out of a tight spot without losing everything. Sometimes when we share our truths, others feel relieved because they see they aren’t the only one who has such a problem. Just by hearing your situation, a friend will feel their stress lift and see the light at the end of their tunnel.

Be an Angel on Earth

Isn’t that what we would want? When we find ourselves in a spot that is scary, don’t we love to hear how someone else succeeded? That is exactly what we are doing when we share our stories. We are helping those around us succeed. There’s no better feeling than when we exit from a stressful circumstance victorious.

By reaching out and sharing our stories of how we got out of a bind, others can benefit from our ideas. If we think about it, isn’t this really our purpose on earth? Aren’t we here to help each other? Simply sharing our kindness in order to help another become calm is miraculous. This is definitely a whisper from an angel for our higher good. When we help alleviate the stress of another, only good can come out.  

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2 thoughts on “Our Lessons Are To Be Shared

  1. Pilar, I’m speechless at your Blog from August 5th. It feels good to sometimes share how difficult and stressful life can be. When we feel like there is no light at the end of the long tunnel. But you’re saying makes so much sense! Paying it forward with our challenges is so rewarding when you have been able to listen, and share with others. I’m going to spend the evening reading your blogs. Thank you for sharing your honesty my sweet Sissy. Sending you love and so many hugs.

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