Get Comfortable in the Mess of Motherhood; It Won’t Last Forever

Get Comfortable in the Mess of Motherhood; It Won’t Last Forever

Get Comfortable in the Mess of Motherhood
It Won’t Last Forever


Being a mother today isn’t what you see on the oldie shows where the mom is doing everything to perfection. We cry. We cry on the floor and we wonder what we got ourselves into. We feel like we can’t do this. We say to ourselves, “How am I going to do this?” We think too hard, we judge ourselves too hard and we feel like we’re spiraling out of control. You’re not alone.

Our one thought becomes an all day thought, “Are they watching me?” and “Am I doing this right?” There is no right. Yes, there are fundamental ideas and concepts that you can learn, but there are different things to do for every child. We are all unique; however the key that needs to be present in all situations is LOVE.

What’s love got to do with it? Everything. One thing you’re going to have to do through it all is love yourself. Matt Kahn & Kyle Cease have taught me this important key in my life. While you cry because you are tired, when you make a mess of things, and when you are sitting on the floor wondering if you’re going to survive it all, love yourself and love what’s going on at that moment. That’s when you’ll need to stop your mind for a minute and breathe. Remind yourself that this will not be the case for the remainder of your life, and therefore grab all the love you can pull up and love the crap out of yourself. Just start telling yourself I love you. Say it out loud a few times. Start positive self talk. “Wow, I didn’t see this coming, but I love myself.”  You will feel better instantly. After that, you’ll look around and start laughing at yourself as you sit on the floor.

Let me just say, that won’t be the first time you’re sobbing on the floor and it won’t be the last. All I can say is that when I started incorporating ‘I love you’ sayings into my daily life, life seemed to start treating me better. It wasn’t life that will change; it’s your outlook that will. Once you make that deal with yourself that you’re going to spend a lot of your time in the next few months on the floor holding a crying baby, your self will begin to align.

It’s not going to last forever. Take up counting like I did. I’d count the bears on each wall valance. I’d notice how their dressed, I’d notice how the room looks like a tornado hit it, and I’d just sit in it because I can’t get up and take care of it. I have a baby that will start to scream once I start trying to take care of everything around me. Ah ha, learn to sit in the mess, know that it will be cleaned some day, and enjoy where you are. Count the bears, notice how cute their nose is, and love you in every breath.

You will fail. Now, don’t think of this as a negative. We fail from what we think is the correct thing to do. However, we need to fail at things in order to learn. When you find some time, watch their videos. They speak to the heart and will fill you with love and hope. When something goes wrong, get excited because you’re about to learn a cool new trick or concept that will make your life with your angel easier.

As a mom, we all cry, we all do it wrong at first, and we all feel stuck and tired. But, as we love our selves more and remember to breathe through it all, put a smile on your face and remind yourself that you will survive. It’s time to lean in and learn. Here we go. You’ll do great!

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