See the Light This Holiday Season

See the Light This Holiday Season

The holiday season can add sad feelings in our body, especially in this crazy pandemic one. A helpful hint is to look back at your past needs and determine if they were met. If they weren’t met, they could have been moved aside, misplaced in your body, or covered up with something to help feel more pleasant. When you realize this and begin to look at them, they will release from your body because they are seen. Following this acknowledgement, the sadness you felt will diminish leaving more love in your heart.

Shine Your Light

As I listened to Kyle with his client, who looked back on her needs that weren’t met, I connect with that same feeling. In turn, I reached out to my friend to receive one of my childhood needs of feeling love. When you notice these feelings, take time to sort them out. I’ve found that the secret is giving them light. Because you shine your light on them, they come out of hiding. Once you allow these truths to be seen, they rejoice that you’re giving them your energy.

In watching Kyle’s video, I realized that my anxiety, sadness, or feeling demanding came from simply needing help but not receiving it. Sometimes it wasn’t safe to ask for help for those things we needed when we were younger. For example, the feeling of shame may have coordinated our young self to do things on their own. As we went ahead to work things out, the missing needs built up looking for a release. Our five year olds held onto trauma because as a youngster, we didn’t have the knowledge of dealing with adult matters. Now as we are adults, we might wonder where the pain is coming from when we notice our demanding ways or not receiving help.

Make the Shift

The outcome is like a beautiful fresh new snow fall. We begin to see the beauty in our accomplishment of how we dealt with feelings in our childhood. By acknowledging this, we create a shift in our life. We shift towards allowing ourselves to open up. By doing this, we help release what no longer serves us and venture towards our true purpose and how to serve others.

Serving others can be as simple as writing what you go through and sharing it to the world. We experience things the same as others. Since they may not understand at that moment what is happening, the universe will be sure to let that soul stumble onto your words in order to alleviate their pain. By simply reaching out to others with what I’ve learned is one of the most amazing things I’ve discovered.

Sending Greetings

Hearing from others state that my words really helped, gives me such a great feeling of purpose. We’re all here to learn and share. On this different holiday season of 2020, know in your heart that I send love and light to all. I hope my words bring comfort so you can feel joy. From my heart to yours, I’m wishing everyone a beautiful holiday season. Look at life’s simplicity and find your smile.  

**Special thanks for Jacki Fowler’s love & friendship and her winter scene picture.

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