Leaving 2020’s Hell, Stepping into 2021~ How Do I Get This Right?

Leaving 2020’s Hell, Stepping into 2021~ How Do I Get This Right?

During this past year, many have felt feelings from all places. Things look different. From the heart or the soul or movement in the gut or the shoulders, our feelings showed up everywhere. As we step into the new calendar year, many of us have questions: how do we overcome what we experienced? When will we have that normalcy feeling again?

Allow the Change

If you are a lucky one, you allowed yourself to look at those feelings swirling around your mind and body.  While we had time to ourselves, many read up on how to work with their feelings, when to open up, and where to find help. Thanks to many worldwide going through the same thing, we heard from others across the world telling how they survived mentally and physically. Since many began to open up and tell the world about their new spiritual journey that showed up, we are able to find one that speaks to us.

By simply slowing down and listening to our body and mind, we heard things we haven’t before. Since we were moving too fast the past years and ignoring important things that our mind needed to contemplate, we were forced to sit in them. Because this was a new phenomenon to all, we began to listen to others and open up our minds.

Helpful with Our Skills

Some of us began to help others through our blogs with downloads from the universe. Others used their skills given from the universe such as “how to” videos or simple read aloud children’s books. ( www.pilarkellenbarger.com ) Many of us found wonderful speakers’ videos teaching us the importance of breathing, walking, meditating, and simply asking for help. As the struggle would feel overwhelming, we learned to ask those around us, archangels, the universe, or our god to help. Just by stepping back and asking for help, we learned that it helped guide us to the right course we were seeking.

Let the Questions Come

Am I doing this right? What if I can’t let go or release these things that are weighing me down? I’ve learned that when I had these thoughts, I didn’t have to worry because there is no right way.

For instance, as I did my last walk of 202, my head was full of the things I wanted to release because they no longer served me. But I felt I was starting to obsess over them. They began to swirl, but as I reached out to a friend very connected to her spirituality, she shared some brilliant words.

Answers to Your Questions

The statements I wrote down earlier were things from the past that didn’t come true for me. As I told myself the things I asked for that didn’t come to be, I was in fact telling the universe I no longer needed them from a certain person. By putting them out there with love and not negativity, I was giving the universe the chance to hear them and help. On my walk, I began to receive the things that I wrote down that I never received when asked. The universe heard me and showed up in others. When I walked by favorite trees, there was comfortable conversation from neighbors and sweet signs from those gone that I asked for help.

Help Will Come in Time

We have to remember, help isn’t going to come instantaneously. It will come; however we must do the work and have faith in the process.

Help isn’t going to come as a miraculous wand to eliminate bad events of the past, but it will show signs and guide our hearts out of the darkness. It can get pretty scary as we meander through these dark hallways in our mind of these tough times. Everything around us is different and we’re searching for new ways of doing things.

Help is All Around

What we need to remember is that we are surrounded by angels and others who have gone before us. They are here to help us through the tough times by reminding us of the good ones. All we need to do is ask. Let the memories that they place in our mind be felt for what they are which is pure love. Be open to the signs they send from a bird that looks like someone from our past, hummingbird sightings, hearing the squawk of a hawk, or feeling the joy we felt as a child. Without going to the negative, stay with the positive points of the memories.

*Helpful speakers: http://mattkahn.org http://kylecease.com

Be Grateful

As these signs and guidance help fill your heart and mind back to a normal capacity like blowing up a balloon, send out your thankfulness. Show your thanks by simply saying aloud or in your head “Thank You”. Not only does it help your angels know that you’re on the right track, they will continue to send these signs, guidance and manifestations to direct you to your joy.

Look around and notice what is right in front of you. You may be going through tough times you’ve never felt before. There is no correct way toward your journey. It is up to us all to move slowly with love. Simply breathe, ask for help, look for the signs, and be grateful.

**Grateful to Michele Echevarria for sharing her brilliant words that always get me out of my darkness.

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