Feel the Magic

Feel the Magic

As we acknowledge our holiday for Armistice Day or as most of us know it Veterans Day, it makes my spiritual side wonder. As they were bringing a conclusion to World War I in the year of 1918 at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, I wonder at the spiritual connection. Even over a hundred years ago, many were beginning to spread their spiritual wings. Since they decided to mark this solemn occasion in such a spiritual way, what a wonderful idea to help others each year awaken to their own lives.

In Sync

Although many were killed because of the inability to see each others’ side, we remember each year and honor all those involved. How exciting that we honor our heroes as we prepare ourselves for our own dreams during the 11:11 portal. Because the collective feel the emotions of our forefathers’ courage, we practice stopping our lives to honor all in prayer as well as open up our hearts to the universe and what is in store for us.

Time to Manifest Dreams

By simply meditating, we can help our bodies let go of the old feelings that no longer serve us. This helps prepare us to let in all manifestations waiting to move us forward toward our dreams. At this time in this month, it is important to slow down and find our flow. We need to realize what truly means the most to us and concentrate on that in order to create a loving flow around us.

Spirituality from Long Ago

It halts me to think that even back in the early 1900’s, those about to bring an end to such an intense conflict did it in such a meaningful manner. If we look back, we can notice those who were way ahead of their time when it comes to bringing forth spirituality. Maya Angelou, John Lennon and Jim Morrison were some early angels sent to help us understand spirit and the role it plays in our lives.

As we center ourselves by creating gentle spaces with soothing music avoiding the angst of the collective, it is a special time to think of those who helped us get to this place in history. It is up to us to continue to honor these brave men and women of the past and now fighting to keep us all safe and protected.

Find Flow & Purpose

This is the perfect time to look into your own life, find what brings happiness and purpose to you, and become the perfect mentor for those around. Shining your light helps bring others out of their darkness to put them back into their flow. Finding your flow helps your children see how to transform their thoughts into reality. As we sit and let our emotions rise to the surface, we feel them and thank them for showing up.

When we live in the slow pockets of our lives, we can see that everything is here to help us. In retrospect, we are here to help everything and everyone. Once we realize we are in the perfect moment watching everything fall into place, we smile knowing we are exactly where we need to be.

*Featured photo by Ali Dunn

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