Back in the Flow Requires Moving Through the New Doorway

Back in the Flow Requires Moving Through the New Doorway

Life experiences can spill one out of their flow. Living through a death of a close person will make one feel as if they flipped right out of the flow. As we try to maneuver through the selling and buying of a new home in another state, all the stipulations turn our mind to mush. When we put effort into working on a relationship, we might feel like we’re not getting anywhere. Being out of the flow is noticeable and we struggle to get back in. It only takes a few simple actions, however these feel very conflicting.

Finding a New Norm

As someone leaves this earth after leading a long life or living one full of passion, the feeling pushes us out of our normal agenda. It is important for us to walk through that new doorway of living without them.

Some of us worship Christ for giving up his life for us. We seek him in times of grief not realizing our loved one has come from the same place. We can also speak to them when they have passed just as if we speak to Christ or God. Since Christ was the son of God, so are we. When we speak to those we’ve lost, we are heard the same way as when we pray to God. As we do this, we can notice the different ways they show their unique sign to us.

Notice the Signs

Some say they notice a loved one’s favorite song come on. They might notice a particular bird or animal show up just as they think of their loved one. Cherish these signs because this is their way of acknowledging to us that they are okay.

The hardest part of losing a loved one is living a life without them in it. Their absence is the toughest piece. It becomes more of a life where we learn to hold space for them. As we mourn, we can help our heart by speaking to them. Like a meditation, we take time to live in the now and listen for their messages. It’s not that they will actually speak words, but you will feel the words in your heart. It becomes a new way of living in this new space.

It’s All About Passion

By taking time to look at their lived life, notice the ideas they stood for and recognize what their passion was in life.  As we grieve, heed how they placed their passion into their daily schedule, and pay attention to all their wonderful qualities. When we acknowledge how they acted towards others and their selves, we learn the lesson they were here to pass down. It is important to learn these quality features and begin to show them more in our lives.

I believe those who pass so young are usually the ones showing us and modeling for us how to live a passionate life. If we peek into their life, we can see how they would do what it took to earn money to live their passion. Some of us have been carrying the luggage of “when I get all I want then I will be happy.” Now we have this young life leave us so soon teaching us the lesson that “first we’re happy, and then everything we need will fall into place.”

Learning Their Lesson Left Behind

As we notice their passion for life and their wonderful attributes, we begin to fill our life with them as well. Now we will see the path leading us back to the flow. These actions do look simple, but the hardest part is to move through the pain of missing them and into the place of learning the lesson they were here to teach. There is no easy way or a correct way to approach this so whichever way you take is perfect. However moving forward is the key.

Once we move through the pain and sorrow, we are releasing those feelings giving our heart room to bring in the lesson. Instead of returning into the darkness, we must battle by bringing our light with us. Since darkness can’t be present with our light or the memory of theirs, we simply take small steps at our own pace towards building this new life without them physically present.

Love is Everything

As a child, our friends’ son always reminded me to look for the different water to find the channel. By doing this, it helped me to make it past the waves in Hawaii to surf. When looking at the drone picture of his Paddle Out Memorial, all the surfboards flowed into a heart. What a wonderful sign from him as the boards turned into the shape of a heart and reminding us of his love and the love we need to share with those around us.

Discover Your Miracle

Einstein once stated, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” We must decide which life we want and live everyday in that manner. As we look at the life of a mother living a long life or a young man living a short one, between tears we need to look at how they lived their life, what their passion was, and return to the flow by tweaking ours in that manner.

As you are moving towards the flow again, it may feel strange because it is different. Embrace the new and look for the signs they send. The feelings you once had, asking how you will live without them, will shift your attention to the signs around.

Signs are Being Sent

If part of you doubts let two experiences help you understand. Before a dear friend passed, we joked about how he would let me know he passed. He stated he’d send yellow butterflies if he passed since he lived far so away. I remarked how perfect since that was my favorite color. One weekend there must have been 50 yellow butterflies while I was at the pool. A few days later I heard of his passing which was that same day of the sighting of butterflies. As I took my daughter to college a few weeks later with a friend, we saw Florida license plates all the way up in PA as well as CA.

Also, when my father died, a black and grey bird with a black crew cut sat on my fence all day keeping me company. My dad had one his whole life. A few weeks later on a rainy day, I was feeling the pain of losing a parent. This crew cut bird struggled many times to sit on my fence during the storm.

Flow Returns

These wonderful signs can be a great comfort when you are struggling with the pain. As you notice them more and more, it gives a sense of contentment. Cherish the fact that they reach out. Remind yourself to move forward and remember to talk to them. They’re right there and hear everything. They’ll help you get back into your flow.

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