3 Ways to have Thanksgiving Your Way!

3 Ways to have Thanksgiving Your Way!

As I live in the new stage of empty nester, I don’t always get to see my daughters for Thanksgiving. We save its luscious dinner for Christmas. Since it is only my husband and I, we have learned how to celebrate a quiet & peaceful Thanksgiving Day by finally doing what we enjoy & using every cheat idea for the meal. At this stage, sometimes we include our closest friends, family that don’t bring toxicity, or give ourselves permission to be alone.

Keeping Good Friends Close:

We have enjoyed Thanksgiving with some wonderful friends in the past. We always say yes to the ones that make us feel like the Norman Rockwell painting family. I love the new trend of Friendsgiving. Some of us are lucky to have friends who treat us the way we always wanted our family to treat us. There are never any cross table remarks about something we did as a child and wanting to spread the negativity with our soul. I think of these friends as a gift from the Universe and God.

Keep Faithful Family in Your Circle:

Sometimes we only have a few loyal & peaceful family members that we want to be near. Remember, not everyone makes the list. It is up to them to behave in a manner fitting our peace & kindness that we live. Because we have found the secret of living in an environment full of laughter & love, we can include those that fill our hearts with love and not try to destroy us.

Give Yourself Permission:

It is important to give yourself permission to stay away from toxic family members and create our own Thanksgiving memories. After many years of enjoying the many steps it takes to create a successful Thanksgiving dinner with all the fluff, it feels quite nice to kick back, relax and give myself permission to make a dinner full of as many cheating strategies that I can find. Since I have passed on my recipes, I enjoy watching all of the parade and football games without having to run into the kitchen to take care of business.

As I watch my cat suffer a poor mood because it is raining out, it made me realize something. Even though it does sometimes rain in southern California, we all end up in situations that we don’t always enjoy. I watched her constantly walk out onto the welcome mat and then run to the back door to find the same rain storm. However, by looking at the other side, we can help ourselves go back into that peaceful and optimistic environment where we strive. Instead of wallowing in the negativity of the rain, looking at all the love it produces helps calm the savage beast.

Being in the new stage of an empty nester is new and full of change, but look for the things that put a smile on your face. Step back and notice the changes and find the good in them. Enjoy watching all the parade, spraying whipped cream into your mouth, and using paper plates!!

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