How Empty Nesters Adjust to the Holidays

How Empty Nesters Adjust to the Holidays

Special memories float around our head as the holidays approach. We remember all the fun times with out children. Some moms have videos and photographs to look back on that time. Thank goodness for our technology to help us when we need to console our heart with the change.

Change is in the Air

Change is the word that seems to encompass our environment as an empty nester. Since our grown children are off at college or on their own, we are left with heavy hearts with a question of how to fill it back up. It’s not about changing our whole selves, but how to change our mindset. Yes, our children are off living away, however it’s up to us to start to replace our minds with the positive side of our situations.

Because change can create stress, it is important to take steps to stay healthy both body and mind. In order to live healthy during change in your life, be sure to keep eating clean and healthy foods by having more unprocessed food such as chicken and fish along with your favorite veggies. Since change at the holidays comes with the hustle and bustle of the times, be sure to select healthy take out such as sushi, salads, and healthy created sandwiches and meals. Staying away from high fat and high calorie take out will help your mind stay positive. In addition, take an extra few laps around the mall as you shop or park far from the store to get extra steps.

Making Change Your Friend

The first thing to do is be honest about your feelings. Acknowledge to yourself that you are saddened by the change in your family holiday itinerary. Let out your true feelings. Now your mind can help prepare you to be as stress free during this time. Your mind is on your side so it will be moving towards things that are helpful. By way of your mind, stay true to breathing techniques and meditations. Simply sitting and breathing and including positive thoughts will help your mood and blood pressure. Helping to relieve stress, stay with your normal schedule as much as possible. Our bodies and minds like familiarity so seek those.

Change Can Be Positive

Next, be sure to include some favorite traditions that you’ve done in the past. If you baked cookies with your children when they were younger, keep up the tradition and maybe start sharing those goodies with your local firehouse since they are away from their families as they work during the holidays. Stock your pantry with items to make their favorite meals. Being able to cook together brings out more conversation. This helps to form a stronger connection. Stay away from the usual list of politics and religion, and bring up more of the memorable moments from past Christmases. Sharing a few of the old photos and videos may be a great way to spend time with your children and their new relationships that are visiting as well.

How to Cope with Change

Most importantly, remain as open as possible. This may mean to stay away from social media at this time. Seeing others’ photos of large family gatherings may hurt more than help. Venting is a great way of releasing some of your stress, but be sure to limit those minutes with friends. Everyone has something they struggle with during the holidays, so be sure to be kind and acknowledge your friend’s heart during your call. If you become overwhelmed by your feelings, be sure to put yourself first and find help. There are many ways to reach out such as hotlines or prayer lines that are there to help. Rely on your friends to help point you in the right direction.

Transform Your Change

Although my holidays are becoming shorter since my daughters have their own lives to get back to, I’m sure to make a plan with the time I will have with them. I ask what important holiday traditions they want to include. You will be surprised what is said. My family still enjoys simple things from our Christmases past. They look forward to decorating the Christmas tree with the old ornaments we’ve been gifting them for years. Cooking enchiladas and baking are always on their list, and having family dinners at home are some of their special memories that they want to continue. You will find that they miss you as much as you miss them. It will come out that this change at the holidays is hard for them as well. By enjoying every minute, finding time to relax and watch favorite movies or simply play board games, you will be actually creating your new normal. Change can be your friend by guiding you onto the next level of family.

Change is a Positive Shift

Change is a transformation and alteration from a different way. By altering your own mindset, be sure to inform your heart and mind that change from one way can usher in the new feeling of being content. Change doesn’t have to be negative. It is so full of ways to remain satisfied by exchanging what you knew with what is now. By exchanging, you are merely replacing your old ways with different ones. Your traditions can remain. They are simply adjusting to your new environment. There is a wonderful shift in how things are seen, however rejoice in the knowledge that the shift is a positive thing. When we judge change as negative, that’s when we create stress.

By keeping your body healthy with good food and thoughts, you are helping your mind stay healthy. As you keep up your stress-free strategies such as meditation, talking to a friend, and simply acknowledging your feelings, your heart and mind are on their way to keep you focused on joy. The holidays are not about presents but being in the presence. Connecting your hearts with wonderful conversation and board games will help the change in your new holidays become more successful, fun, and full of love. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, and Happy Holidays!!

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