Thanksgiving: A Time to Start & Learn an Easy Meditation.

Thanksgiving: A Time to Start & Learn an Easy Meditation.

“I embrace a world of unbounded possibilities.” meditation by Deepak Chopra

Synchronicity is a beautiful sign from others passed and messages of the living that help guide us and help us through. It isn’t necessarily a struggle, but a lesson we need to learn in order to understand the rest of our messages. Sometimes it feels like we’re on the same clue finding course that the character on National Treasure followed in order to find the riches of the world. In that same way, messages from our ancestors in dreams or in reality of birds etc. guide us to the lesson where we find the answer.

Practice Makes Perfect, My Way

I decided to partake in one of Chopra’s 21 day meditations, but of course I’m several days behind. However, if I wasn’t, I would have never been inspired. It had a theme of our true nature of being limitless, unrestricted, and self aware. Those words immediately had me think back to the post I saw earlier that morning of an author’s book tour and where she was visiting next. Her book entitled, Living a Limitless Life.

As I meditated, I let all the messages, bad memories, and dream portions jump in while releasing them. I made sure not to relive, but analyze in order to find something to learn. There it was. My message was to practice by reminding myself that I am limitless. Only the world and the communities help create the bounded and restrictive feelings. I am thrilled that I am learning to see the lessons.  

Meditation is Key to Peaceful Moments

Some may feel apprehensive when starting or working with meditation. Rest assured that it is real, magnificent, and has simplicity that works. While in a moment overcome by past occurrences that hurt my feelings, I went into meditation mode.

As I forced my brain to listen and practiced breathing in order to relax, I was sure it wouldn’t work to help calm me in my hysterics. Surprisingly, as soon as I thought to myself that it was simply too easy to work that easy, my body relaxed, my breathing became smooth, and my mind became calm. In that moment, I actually felt a smile come on my face which just moment ago was covered with tears. It worked exactly like all the meditating teachers stated.

Meditation is the Best Medicine

I feel weight loss pills and the gimmicks alike are out to swindle, however the likes of meditation are true to the core. If I think back, every meditation has always stated that this is merely to help us practice for the moments in life when we are unwinding and full of turmoil. Remember, this stress can increase chances of picking up the local bug going around. When we practice meditation in a time of peace and calm, the process helps reach out to show us lessons we need to learn, remind us to stay stress free, and promotes health.

As we practice sitting and breathing slowly to reach our calm state, we are practicing for the times in our life when we need the silence and peace to hug us like a favorite blanket. The more you perform the way you have in your past meditations, the more your mind will find that peaceful place even when the exterior happenings feel like they are attacking like going to battle. Be sure to state that you don’t think this will work. It is the truth that your brain doesn’t mind.

Meditation Helps Find Self Awareness

As you speak your truth, your mind doesn’t take it personally and shows you the peace you were seeking. Simply walk through the steps you know are yours when meditating. We all have different ways and that’s the point. Each meditation works the way each individual practices. Once we notice the synchronicities, we can smile knowing that important lessons are coming.

Meditation is for those moments in our lives where extreme heart pain exists. When we feel we are losing it or feeling emotionally out of control, meditation comes in and helps guide us back to our peaceful place. Embrace it. Feel self awareness come back, remind yourself how limitless & unbound you are, and enjoy living an unrestricted life.

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2 thoughts on “Thanksgiving: A Time to Start & Learn an Easy Meditation.

  1. Hello Pilar,
    I am so glad that I took the time to sit down and read this beautiful piece that you have written. Reading this was truly my form of meditation I tell you 🙂 I am thrilled that you were able to find that moment of limitless meditation that brought a smile to your face. Meditation is one of the best gift that we can give ourselves.
    Thank you so much for taking the time to mention my book as well as writing this message to so many that needs to read it. I am so grateful that we connected Pilar!

    Keep writing and I will definitely keep reading.
    Lisa Marie

    1. I’m honored that you took the time to read it. I try to live opened by following every synchronicity that I’m given. I just live, listen, and write the things that touch my heart and that will help others. I love mentioning or sharing anything I can for those with wonderful hearts such as yourself. I’m also grateful we connected! I can’t wait for your next book!!
      Enjoy your holidays,

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