The Universe Will Show You the Way

The Universe Will Show You the Way

Sometimes as a mom, we feel stuck in our life because we feel like we can’t get through the struggles of raising our children, so we feel like we lose our way. We keep trying hard to make things happen when it comes to helping our children make their goals, but nothing is going our way. Little did we know it’s the Universe reminding us to slow down and go with the flow.

Getting Out of Feeling Stuck

Yes, we might understand that we have to slow down. We all know when we’re in that space of trying to make things happen on our terms, it’s hard to remember to slow down, stop, and breathe. We forget when we’re so wrapped up in making something happen that we really aren’t in charge. We need that little trigger or that little jolt to make us stop in our tracks. Those come in different forms of struggle, anguish, and even mishaps.

If you think about it, that’s why we hit those walls and feel stuck. The Universe is trying to get our attention and slow us down. Like that old Yiddish proverb says, “We make plans and God laughs.” We are trying to make so many things happen, yet we forget to ask for help. We also forget that we’re here to do a job. Once we do that job, the Universe will show us the things we were working towards.

Teach Go With the Flow

As a parent, I know how hard it is to see my children go down their path and not tell them specifically how to venture through. It’s our motherly instinct to help them avoid any pain or trouble. As a teacher in special education, I see how hard it is for those moms to let go. But if you want your child to learn and grow, that is the key point of motherhood. We must remember that we’re not in control, we can’t make things happen, and we’re going to see them make mistakes.

What we can remember is to go with the flow and teach that same concept to our children. We have so many hopes and dreams for our kids, but not all are up to the potential that we seek. Whether our children have learning disabilities or struggles, it is crucial for us to remember to be their guide full of love and help them learn to go with the flow. We may want things to increase quicker than our child can perform, we may want them to be moving into a higher level of learning, or we may be pushing them too hard to achieve a goal.

Letting the Universe Be In Charge

If we learn to stop and take a moment, we will see how the Universe has this. We need to see the increases, even if small, and celebrate them. We have to learn that we can’t rush greatness. If we stop and analyze what their performance was in the past to their achievements now, we will begin to see that they are on time. They are moving at the pace the Universe has set for them.

As our children move through their journey, we need to remember to be their guide cheering them with love. They must move at their pace. The Universe has this. Let go of the reigns knowing that you could always pick them back up, however as you watch them grow and prosper, you won’t feel the need to pick them up again.

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