The Signs are There; We Just Have to be Open

The Signs are There; We Just Have to be Open

The signs we want to see from those who have passed are right in front of us. We just need to be opened to see them for our self. Two important times to look for these signs is when it is a significant celebrated time or when we are going through something hard in our lives. But when these signs are seen, what a beautiful moment.

Different Signs

These signs can come in various manners. It seems like once a dear friend or family member who we are close to dies, they show us many signs as if to say, “I’m here and everything is fine.” Anywhere from seeing their name on the side of a truck to the appearance of a certain bird that almost touches you, these signs can show up. The appearance of orbs in photos taken at a significant life celebration is my favorite kind of sign. By acknowledging these symbols helps those waving to us that we’re opened to more.

Competition Within the Signs

When a dear friend passed eight years ago, he showed up in the ways we joked about: yellow butterflies, hummingbirds, and license plates. Just after four years, my father died and he began showing up in similar ways on a license plate as if to be in competition with my friend’s signs. All the way out here in California, I’d see car plates from Florida. Once my dad wanted to compete, he’d be on the Florida plate with his name of date of birth. I remember seeing a Florida plate in California with a specialty design of Marine Corps, since my friend served, along with the name George, my dad’s name, on the plate. They always bring a smile to my face.

Recently, it is as if their signs have gone up a level. While I stood in the parking lot at my condo talking to a neighbor, I saw a Mylar balloon way up in the air. When I first saw it, it was the size of a dot. As we continued to speak for a few minutes, I saw the balloon take a significant dive. All of a sudden, it was about 50 feet away and dove behind my building. Because I figured it was caught in the tree, I gave it no mind. But if I’m honest, I did think of my friend when I noticed it.

Back when he passed, I got a Mylar flag balloon and released it in his memory. Noticing the Mylar made him jump in my mind. Since I was speaking to my neighbor about watching my cats the following month, I forgot about the balloon as I walked to my home.

Pass on the Signs

The following morning I received an urgent text from a friend asking for prayers for her mom. As I walked home to my condo building after tutoring that afternoon, there it was! The Mylar balloon had dropped right by my house and I didn’t even notice it the day before. I had even turned on the water hose situated right near the landed balloon to water my plants the day I saw it drop from the sky, but never saw it. When I sent the story of this balloon to my friend, who was waiting news about her mom, she took it as a sign for her. After all, the balloon had a “Happy Mother’s Day” message on it!

Immediate chills hit me when I first saw the balloon because the friend who passed always asked about my girls by saying “How are the babies?” As in competition, my dad always greeted me on Mother’s Day. Since the friend who asked for prayers was my bff Michele, I thought it was also a message from dad because he always called Michele Mike! As for Michele, she took it as a sign telling her that her mom would be okay. She instantly felt calm when she read about the Mother’s Day balloon in the text.

Signs are Gifts

No matter how you see the signs, remember this love tap could very well be for another. That’s why it is so important to pass on the message and miraculous sighting when pushed to do so because it could ultimately be the love tap for another. Remind yourself that since you were opened, you received the sign. Send out a prayer of thanks. What an incredible gift as you live without them in your life. Know in your heart, your loved ones are right there celebrating alongside you.

**WOW! Since returning from a meeting, I came across a Florida plate and a Georgia plate! Yep, they are certainly at it again. My friend lived in both states, but there’s my dad once again competing! I love it!

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