Summer Time Schedule for Summertime Fun!

Summer Time Schedule for Summertime Fun!

Relax & Plan

It is essential to give your children a week to hang and unwind. Let them hang out in pajamas longer than normal, eat some fun things they enjoy, and to lounge watching their favorite movies and shows.

Summer coincides with fun in most children’s minds. It is important to schedule fun during their summer on a weekly basis. Participating in their favorite things as well as introducing them to some of yours is imperative.

As you ask your children what they like, these may be some of their favorites. Schedule some beach or pool swimming, castle building, and simply laying in the yard looking up at the clouds finding animal shapes.

Start Creating the Rules

Although some parents might have their mouth wide open to this idea, it does help welcome the changes you will create. Just like some of us have experienced when stuck at home sick, after a few days of the television shows and social media, we become bored and are looking for some new adventures and schedules.

 About a few days before their lounge week is over, state reminders that there will be different schedules for the summer. (Some children go right into the new schedules because of parent’s work schedule. Be sure to work these ideas into every night’s dinnertime.)

Also, parents should remember that children learn new classroom rules each beginning of the school year. They are familiar with setting new rules that are needed for them to be successful. Use this reminder and information with them as you set your rules for the summer. By reminding them that they do this each year and you are aware of it, they will be willing to accept them.

Online Fun & Board Games

Along with this, be firm with their online time. There should be set time on the internet. Use parent controls if you need and stay firm with the rules. As you lessen their time online, provide great ideas like board games and puzzles to help stimulate their minds. Children always seem to be excited at school when they are given time to play a board game or work on a puzzle when I substitute taught. It’s great eye hand coordination along with great thought processing.

In order to keep them at their grade level, help them stay there by picking up workbooks. Find their appropriate grade level and select workbooks that offer re-teaching with fun word finds and word puzzles. Be sure to have them schedule reading time at home or the local library. Remember, they can read books below their level. Making reading easy and fun keeps our children interested. Have them read a younger sibling the easy to read books.

Dinner Ideas

In addition, find time in your own schedule to enjoy your children. Possibly go to work a little earlier in order to be home earlier. Schedule dinner time at your community pool or local beach and have lots of swim races or sand castle building.

 Is grilling a favorite way your family enjoys their meals? Summer includes grilling, so if your child is mature enough, teach them the tricks of the trade. Grill up all kinds of meat and veggies. Let them learn how to turn on the grill, prepare the food, and turn the items without getting burned.

Since summer tends to fly by, create time now in your schedule to grab ice cream and watch the sunset. Plan to have a beach fire, or simply walk the beach at dusk and enjoy the fires burn that others start. Try to look for all the summer fun that is around your home locally, and attend everything you can. Head to your local park late in the day and find glowing fireflies.

Creative Ways to Stay at Grade Level

While there is no homework bogging them down, help them become familiar with their surroundings. Find an old family compass rose and simply walk around your neighborhood. Point out all the beautiful plants and flowers. Maybe take pictures of the ones they take an interest in and Google them when you get home. Plan a time to go to your local nursery and find them. Plant them in your yard and watch nature grow.

Find a book at the library full of art projects and science fun. Create areas in your house where glitter, paint, and glue can be used. Perform some science projects that use simple things from around the house. Ask them what ideas they want to learn about and find books on those areas.

As we go through these summer days, remember that your child needs to rejuvenate as well as relax their brains. Giving them time to do nothing but think is important.

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