January: Be Present in the Process

January: Be Present in the Process

As we move through our learned lessons in our spiritual practice, we see how far we’ve come. From meditating to manifesting, we’ve certainly come a long way. One of the most enlightening things I’ve learned is the importance of unconditional love.

Unconditional Love is Key

I know for me that I thought I was receiving real love from others but I was in fact using my abilities of getting a certain job or following their guidelines in order to receive their love. In fact, I need to follow only those things requiring unconditional love.

Since we moved through 2020 and 2021, we’ve seen things happening or being seen in a different way. Our mind might be saying, “There’s a lot coming to me that I didn’t know before. I thought things were different.” This is our body noticing that truths are showing up in ways we wouldn’t have dreamed.

Breakdowns Become Break Throughs

As we go through our dark places by sitting in the presence of them, we realize they’re actually break throughs instead of breakdowns. While in the breakdown, you may feel how hard it is to get out of the slump. But when you learn that new lesson that you’re supposed to, you see the truth and smile at the break through.

A beautiful realization is looking at all your individual break throughs and seeing how unique each was in their teaching. In this new time, remember that the way you broke through before won’t work now. Surrender it and let the new come through. Notice that what you’ve learned only fit that circumstance back then. Before you panic, acknowledge that if you broke through before using a technique from the past, you will find that correct way again.

Alone Time

Most importantly, we must remind ourselves that as we sit through our break throughs, it is not necessary for us to have someone else with us. It isn’t a requirement that all of those around us move on the same path. It is only for us to learn what is right for us. If others aren’t ready, it isn’t the right time for them to have us pushing our lessons on them.

Everyone Experiences Break Throughs

We’re all doing this together. Everyone can go through their break throughs if they choose. It’s important to realize that it is of our own doing and choice. Imagine if many in the world decided to sit in this now and feel all the emotions in the breakdown in order to break through? The world would definitely glow in all the positive outcomes.

Findings are usually that the past emotions of unworthy and not enough were present because the love was conditional. Be okay with the coming challenges. Try to stay in the present and be okay with living in some darkness. That’s where the magic is found. When we find unconditional love, the true friends and true moments will appear.

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