Create Your Successful Resolution That Works

Create Your Successful Resolution That Works

Let’s be real, we already know we are not going to be part of the 8% of the people who will be successful with their New Year’s Resolution. That being said, it’s about a different mindset, not striving to be successful at what the collective wants. So with the holidays barreling upon us, some of us have that dreadful feeling about having to even think about what to resolve in our lives.

Step One

Think back to all the things that appeal to you. Grab a pen or open your notes on your phone and have fun. What would you like to do if you had the day off and could go or do anything? Ideas like sit at the beach, walk around the city window shopping, drive to a lake, walk/hike in nature, eat at a different eatery based on food you’ve always wanted to try, learn to meditate, and pick out a puzzle with space in mind to start it will come to mind.

Step Two

Once you think about what you like, you will see that your passions actually equal the resolutions that everyone is seeking. As you bring forth your likes, you will see how they incorporate exercise, good nutrition with your happiness, and well being. By putting you first, you are going to feel successful before you even start the New Year.

Step Three

Open up your calendar and start creating your time into each upcoming week of 2019. Being a numbers girl, I occasionally enjoy looking up the angel meaning of some numbers. Twenty is all about using your connection with the universe and continuing to use your faith watching for the rewarding moments. Nineteen is beautiful and perfect for this new style of resolution. It’s a message telling us to believe in ourselves and our purpose in life. It is a reminder to follow our dreams as well as stay positive while taking action without waiting. Now that the upcoming year is full of wonderful messages, start by penciling one new idea between Monday and Friday, and one fun moment on Saturday or Sunday for each week in January. If you are not afraid of scheduling yourself, try to double what you select for the week and the weekend for February. However, be sure to put a star next to the “Must Do” to help keep you accountable.

Step Four

Since you are feeling the positive vibe, go ahead and get bold with yourself if you’ve heard your heart and physician tell you to get moving more and take control of your stress. Some of us have already talked to ourselves about walking more and really trying to put time aside to try meditating. Again, pencil it in, decide where the best place to do these activities, and create the space. Find the clothes you need for walking after, during, or before work and put them in your sight. Dust and clean a small area of your bedroom or living room and have an extension cord readily available for your phone battery in order to listen to meditation music along with setting your alarm for a quick 15 minute well being session.

The Key is to Start

Just start with your list and move slowly to your calendar. Move at your own pace. Most importantly, I’m aware that many moms with insane schedules while wearing multiple hats in their family are reading this and thinking it sounds great, but then reality kicks into mind. Ideas like small reminder-love-notes to yourself on the bathroom mirror or refrigerator and next to your coffee maker will be great reminders to continue on this journey of YOU.

Scheduling Your Resolution

Will you forget or have other life activities take over your scheduled time? Yes, but remember when this happens to quickly reschedule. The more you put you first, the happier you will feel. Will you feel guilty when this happens? Absolutely, yet welcome the guilty feeling and move on. By doing this, you’re giving this feeling the moment it deserves, but not quitting. These feelings will come up, so practice feeling them and rescheduling. In order to help yourself feel deserving because you’re a mom who puts her all into her children and family, refer to these scheduled moments as appointments. They are your wellness and sanity appointments. As a mom, we know that the only person who is going to take care of us is US. This is the time to get started on putting you first. We know that when we are happy, our family runs more efficient. When we are happier, it leaks into our family environment.

On that account, find 10 minutes and start your list while you are waiting for soccer practice to end or waiting for the spaghetti water to boil. Simply start thinking of the things you love that create a spark in your soul. Practice scheduling right now in these last months of 2018 and schedule small moments of your time. This will get you excited to continue to schedule into January and help make you the premier focus.

3,2,1- Happy New Year!

This next year is going to be exciting and wonderful. Beautiful moments await you as you discover your old passions and put them front and center. Not only will you be helping your stress levels and creating a beautiful smile on your face, you are teaching your own children how to do the same. They will enter high school, college/workforce, and move out someday. How awesome of a mother are you to share and model for them how to stay happy, healthy, and wise? Have a wonderful New Year and a heart filled with wonderful feelings every week of 2019!

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