Confronting My Fear

Confronting My Fear

**This video helped me confront my fear. Thanks once again, Brene Brown, for helping me change my life for the good.

Here I am at the point in my life where I finally get to present to the world what I’ve been working on so hard, but here come the fears. Although I’ve been doing the work of writing my parenting book for years, my excitement has now turned to the fear of stepping onto the world stage pants less.

Help for the Dream

We’ve all had those dreams of working so hard to get that paper or presentation completed. However we show it the next day with the nightmare of walking out without our pants on. This is the spot where I’ve been living the past few months.

While living in this space of fear, thank goodness I’ve learned that a simple prayer of “help” is something I can do. After the prayer session, I know better than to dwell on my fear so I take a walk to work on filling my mind with something positive.

Help Comes in Strange Ways

Remember, when you ask for help, it will show up in strange ways that may even make you smile. As I experienced my cheers from those in the heavens on my walk, I was guided towards my answer. When I scrolled through some saved music videos to keep my pace strong, I came across a video of Brene Brown. Since I saved several of her pieces that always inspire me, I decided to listen to this one on my trek home. It certainly was making its appearance as if to be waving and saying pick me! During each stride, I realize my prayer for help has been answered. This video was exactly what I needed to hear right now.

Ask the Important Questions

In her video, Why Your Critics Aren’t The Ones Who Count, she reminds us of Theodore Roosevelt’s quote. Before she quoted his words, she spoke about how creative people have inspiring knowledge to share with the world but our critics step in having us rethink our next step.

I loved her question she proposed in the video. “What would you try if you knew people would never say THIS about you? What would THIS be for you?” Because I have a section of my brain wired to replay the worst hurtful comments or actions made to my heart, I knew this video was sent to help.

Just Do It

Knowing there will most likely be personal attacks when I publish my parenting book, I let the video psyche me up. We’ve all seen how they put their work out to help others, yet get slammed. Even though my heart has already experienced low blows from some who know me, I’m sure remarks from others won’t hurt as bad. 

As I listen to the video, I realize I need to remember that I’m simply not in control of anyone. If I’m smart, I’ll look back and recall what I learned when I was publicly humiliated from a family member. I’m able to let the pain come out as a cry. I’ll embrace those with positive critique to help me move forward with my writing craft. Lastly, I will keep in mind that hurting people hurt people.

Be Daring with Your Dream

It is an inspiration that during Brown’s low part of receiving horrible comments as her Ted Talk went viral, she stumbled onto Roosevelt’s famous speech. I see it as her guides helping her. (Roosevelt-The Man in the Arena speech.)

“It’s not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.”

“The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood….who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly….” T. Roosevelt

Your Guides Will Make You Daring

Boom! Mind blown. I’ve heard her recite these passages from Roosevelt’s speech of 1910 as it was the inspiration of her book, Daring Greatly. However, once again I’ve been guided towards video where the speaker tells their story of which I feel I belong.

We are all merely folks, if we’re lucky, able to listen to our guides after taking the step of asking for help. Within the past years of the world’s craziness, we have all experienced seeing others trampled upon. We’ve seen it by others’ remarks in fashion that hasn’t ever been seen. I brace myself, my heart, and my mind for the negative comments that will surely make their way. I am inspired to know I have my guides, good friends, and family that will be there to pick me up and dust me off.

Taking Our Steps Towards Greatness

What if we took that step towards our greatness aware of what’s out there yet moving forward with a smile on our face? After all, that’s what a hiker at the season of rattlers does or even the race car driver when climbing into their machine and awaiting that flag.

It hits me that my life isn’t about winning or losing, but showing up. My daughters taught me that as I raised them and wrote my book, Parenting Scholar Athletes, it’s about going toward that shining light of knowledge that you have to share with others or you’ll burst.

Show Up in Your Arena and Kick Butt

As Brene Brown pointed out, “If you want to create, show up, and be seen in your life, there is only one guarantee and that is you will get your butt kicked. That is the only certainty if you go into the arena”, she says. More importantly, know deep down what Brown thinks about nay sayers. She says, “If you’re not in the arena also getting your ass kicked, I’m not interested in your feedback.” No better words to live by.

Now that I step in the arena soon with my parenting book, I will definitely be reading Roosevelt’s speech on a daily basis. To all my fellow writers & creative people, jump into the arena like your life depends on it. Stand strong, smile and let your light shine on the world because there is someone out there whose life depends on reading your words.

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