When Our Balloon Bursts

When Our Balloon Bursts

Have you ever been moving forward on a dream of yours and right as you feel you made success it all seems to burst? Maybe others are coming after you with remarks or those resenting your achievement are refusing to acknowledge your accomplishment? This could make anyone want to climb down into that pit and not come out again.

When Pushed Down

Boy, Brene Brown certainly was right when she mentioned that if you walk into the arena toting your creativity, you will get your ass kicked. My response to this is to find that place when you felt on top of the world and try to live in that place again. Whenever the negative responses pop into your head, counter act by replacing your mind with a picture of you in all your joy.

We all know that when we go after our dreams, there will be some who will try to stop your forward motion. Certain road blocks and barriers will all of a sudden show up and try to prevent any advancement. What a perfect time to reach back into your bag of tricks and find the book of the past where you helped yourself through a lengthy problem.

Pick Yourself Up

As you begin to recall all the hurdles you jumped while progressing toward a goal, this is the perfect armor. Although we don’t want to continuously wear armor that does not let our true self shine through, we do need to remember how we ventured through the problem. By looking back at our past problems in order to review our solutions, we can use some of those answers to help us get back on track.

Dust Yourself Off

Again, sit and let your feelings out, remind yourself of the self care strategies you use to ground yourself, and think of positive goals to begin to conquer. By letting your feelings out, you are allowing the hurt to leave which then opens a spot for positivity to enter. When we recall and begin mindful strategies like meditation and calm walks, we can ground our minds back to the goal at hand. We’re giving our mind a chance to reboot and find the path.

Those Darn Expectations

Since our goals are so personal to us, we feel hurt when others react in a way that we didn’t expect. A quick reminder of where that certain person lies in your life is a good start. For some reason, I keep letting those in my life with a family title run my mind and feelings. It is up to me to work on loving myself, finding the inner child who needs a hug, and acknowledging each individual feeling. When I remind myself who actually brings positive meaning into my life, I can respond to my hurt feelings with love and respect.

Move through the Hurt

By seeking out the hurt, replace it with love for the feeling. Our hurt can come from our past trauma. A great strategy is to welcome the fear instead of pushing it down. Face it head on and notice where it is coming from so it is acknowledged. It is important to take note of fear and see it as a help. At first fear can look scary, yet it is just another way of us to learn an important lesson. We’re in fear of something that just needs to be seen. Once we take notice, we can feel the fear and then let it go. When we don’t feel the fear, that’s when it keeps popping its head out.

Return to a Positive Feeling

No one wants to feel anything negative especially when the atmosphere is full of happiness and joy for accomplishing your dream. Since it’s such a wonderful feeling, we think other fear that darts in is an attack when in fact it’s just another reminder that the next lesson has appeared. Share your sensitivities with a friend but not the narrative. It’s your feelings that you want to work on. The way others act may never change and so it’s a waste of time to work on something that we have no control over. Sort out the feelings, meditate to bring love to your heart, and remember that fears are really happening in order to help us learn.

Be Kind to You

The most important thing that needs to happen is kindness. Being kind to you is vital. If a youngster was upset with himself over fear, we would show kindness immediately helping him on his way. As you show patience and grace for your feelings, it helps your heart sort out the problem easier. Self love and self care are definitely a solution that helps all around.

*** Beautiful pathway picture courtesy of Julie Hernandez Ramos

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