PURPOSE: What is Mine? Am I Worthy to Have It?

PURPOSE: What is Mine? Am I Worthy to Have It?

The light at the end of the tunnel isn’t the illusion, the tunnel is. ~ Author Unknown

Recently, my journey had me follow the path into that dark tunnel traveling down looking for that light at the end. As the purpose of a journey, we learn how to become aware of our purpose which in turn shows us the worthiness we already had.  

What’s My Purpose?

So many of us are feeling stuck inside this thought. Everyone from college graduates, their mothers with an empty nest, and others hearing their worth from others.

Graduates Finding Purpose

As a graduate, you may be asking, “What now?” That is perfectly normal. Graduates have to look at what they believe are their stories and only live by the true ones. They need to remember that they are actually starting at the bottom again. Since this is where they will find experience, they need to look for work to pay the bills but also make sure it aligns with their beliefs of what is important to them.

Finding Purpose in an Empty Nest

Along with the graduate, there’s a mom with an empty nest. They see their graduate struggle, but she needs to let them live their life. If we interfere, it may knock them off their path. This is where comfort can ruin us and our children. As I listened to Bill Eckstrom’s Tedx Talk, Why Comfort Will Ruin Your Life (https://youtu.be/LBvHI1awWaI ), I wrote a blog using his teachings, Comfort Can Ruin Your Child’s Growth www.pilarkellenbarger.com . Purpose can be halted for both graduate and parent because of their comfort. As we feel complexity, we grow.  

When you feel stuck and feel you don’t have a purpose, you may feel like you’re in that flow at the same moment. I believe it’s a sign that you are in the right direction. This may simply be you moving through your complexity and it’s helping you grow. Stick with the flow, it doesn’t lie.

Through the Collective: Locating Your Purpose

Others may be telling you that what you’re doing is not helpful, but that is their own unworthiness trickling down over you. For example, I set up my 8 weeks of summer the same way I set up my children’s summer weeks back in the day. I scheduled activities that were fun and healthy at the same time. I made sure to do my writing along with taking time for meditating, and I was sure to put in all my favorites: walking, floating, and bike riding.  

Although, my actions were seen by someone as non-productive, I knew in my heart that it was based on the feeling of being in the flow. In addition, I also had to realize that their feelings were just that, theirs. They were being triggered by my actions with something they needed to heal.

Matt Kahn’s Myth Busters: Feeling Worthy of Your Purpose

#1 We Need to Take Our Time Through Our Journey.

This is not a sprint, but a marathon. We can’t rush through as if we’ve found a fast-pass. If we don’t slow down, the universe will slow it down for us.

#2 We Don’t Need to Feel Positive at Every Moment.

He stated in his weekly radio show, (www.hayhouseradio.com) “that our belief that we will only feel positive feelings when we reach that perceived end is wrong.” He reminded us that some feel they’re not at their highest expansion so they’re not worthy enough for our purpose. This is what some think as they are stuck. Our traumas are tough. We will feel negative sometimes and that’s ok. We need to give ourselves permission to feel them.

In order to keep the negative away, Matt helps us understand that we don’t have to put up this fake shield. That actually works as avoidance. By trying to push positivity into the space where we are working on negative that only delays our knowledge and awareness of what we need to burn out of us.

#3 There is No Need to Climb a Ladder to Receive.

Matt reminds us, “As you can see, we’re not at a lower level or at a lower vibe because we don’t have what we want at this moment. We are already there. We just have to step into our spotlight. Our journey helps us learn to step into that spotlight. We don’t have to climb a ladder because we’re lower than others. We are at equal levels.” We just have to become aware of that. Once we do, we begin living in that space of who we really are.

Matt stated, “We don’t have to accomplish things before we are worthy of other things. We are already worthy enough.” As we move through our journey, he says, “We need to participate in our life looking for the signs to guide us and know that we are already worthy enough.”

#4 We Need to Release Control Over Everything.

In order to release control, we need to have the belief that the universe has our back. As you meander through the job search, you need to use your intuition. If it feels like it doesn’t match up with your passion or beliefs, keep looking. It’s your choice. Enjoy where you are at this moment. Having a part time job at a retail store may be where your current income comes from. Remember, it won’t be forever. No sweat, live in the place of looking for your clues and signs to move forward. If you’re fighting against something, that’s the sign to move on to another job for your experience. As you feel the flow, that’s your sign that you’re heading in the right direction.

Becoming Aware is the Secret

Since our purpose is already inside of us, we just need to learn to move towards it. All that we want, and all that we want to be is already there; it’s already inside of us. It’s already available to us; we just need to be aware of it.

When we’re going through those dark tunnels, we need to hold onto that luggage that’s full of the knowledge that we do have worth. The knowledge of our worth needs to be held close. It’s waiting for us to receive it.

As Matt beautifully had us repeat, “The more I love myself, the more brightly I shine.” This tells us that as we love every part of us, we begin to see our purpose and worth. Now at this point, the positive part of us hears and sees the true us. We are aware of our worth & purpose.  www.mattkahn.org   

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