How to Overcome that Little Voice Inside Our Head

How to Overcome that Little Voice Inside Our Head

There is always a time in our life when we feel better if we stay home. By staying home, we can feel safe. We don’t risk being spoken down to or being called out on anything we do. But what might we gain when we venture out into the world?

Take a Risk

If you take the risk and get yourself back out into the world around you, you open up back into the positive energy and become available for your blessings. If you take this risk, you will be reminded of how strong you truly are and how truly the universe has your back.

When we hear the voice that tells us to hide and feel this way, we are not the only ones going through this mood. It seems to come from that little voice inside our head that says, “Nah, let’s just stay inside and feel safe.” Or it can come out saying, “Let’s just blow it off today and stay on this comfortable couch or bed.”  

Push Through

The main thing that you can do is to push through. If you’re like me and trying to stay on a walking regimen, go through the motions of getting dressed for the walk and continue towards the door. In the meantime, acknowledge the little voice. Sometimes I think that is the problem, we try to shove it down and ignore it. However, if we reach out to it like a friend and recognize it, the voice will become still.

Acknowledge & Accept

Simply accepting that you hear it is huge; however speak back to it with kindness. This can be that same voice you hear every time you’re trying to eat healthy or whenever you are trying to stick to the boundaries you made with toxic people. Let the voice become acknowledged, let your own feelings be spoken, and be grateful for the voice. In a supportive manner, allowing the voice to speak up is a great step. Now, it’s time to defend your own feelings and plans by doing what you wanted. Walking through that fear is hard, but it gets easier every time you do it.

Take Control of the Voice

Just this morning, I was getting out of bed and there was that little voice. In a yawning manner it spoke, “Don’t worry about doing your walk today. You’ve done it for a few weeks now. Missing one day is fine.” As I listened, I reached for my walking shorts and a clean fresh cotton t-shirt. In my mind, I agreed to listen, but then I walked through the fear it was presenting of letting it stop my walking progress.

Talking Back is Fine

It’s never easy doing it, but it does get easier every time you defend your actions. I would simply say to the voice, “You’re absolutely right! I’ve accomplished such a long streak of walking, but I think I’ll do it one more time today and think about taking off tomorrow.” We all know that awesome feeling we get as we exercise and our endorphins kick up, especially when we get to walk by the ocean. I actually changed my course picking the beach because the scenery makes it a lot easier to stay on track.

As I’m walking, I’m thinking what a beautiful way to do my walk while watching the pelicans and the waves. Right there, that little voice hears that and knows there’s no winning from that angle. As I walk further, I again acknowledge the voice and its intentions, but make sure I take in the feeling of accomplishment that comes over me for pushing through.

Blessings are Everywhere

Because I took the risk to overcome the little voice trying to redirect my plans, my blessings became clear to me. On my walk, I had a great laugh as I saw how an adorable lab dog was acting exactly like child walking on the high curb along the beach cliff walk. After I spoke up to the owner, we both had a hearty laugh. As I ventured a little further, I ran into a colleague from a school where I used to work. It was refreshing seeing her smile again. After my walk and as I was pulling into my parking spot of the condo I call home, the neighbor and her adorable children were enjoying their scooter and plastic foot-powered car. When I got out of my car, I was greeted with a big hug from the little one I’ve been recently babysitting.   

The next time that little voice speaks up, just talk back. As you can see, it all turns out wonderfully. We end up learning to defend our plans, and we learn how to acknowledge it with support. More importantly, we learn that as we take the risk to venture out into the world, we are pleasantly surprised by the beautiful blessings already lined up for us to receive.

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