Going through the Tough Stuff to Get to the Other Side

Going through the Tough Stuff to Get to the Other Side

One of the best feelings in the world is the sacred peace after we weathered a storm. Even though we enjoy the outcome more than the journey, it is the journey and its hiccups that should be hailed. The difficult parts of life should be the time we get excited because we’re about to grow and level upward. However, how many times do those moments make us cringe? What if we could simply cheer as we entered a space on our path full of uncomfortable feelings? We understand this is where growth takes place, but it’s still a place we avoid.

Darkness Signals Growth

If we could grasp the idea that the darkness is the beginning of the light, we’d be more open to the distressing parts of our path. By looking back at a time when there was a high intensity of emotions that felt painful, you can locate the moment when that seed of growth decided to sprout. Even though we’re still underground and in darkness, it is the beginning of that best feeling. It’s really a matter of perspective. As we encounter and take on the problems of life, if only we realized that they are there to help us grow and others around the situation. We’d be just as happy during the problem as the outcome. Our mind has to practice seeing our problems in this manner. If we scrape our knee, it wasn’t a pleasant feeling, but the scab reminds us we’re healing.

The Struggle is Real

One of the hardest moments in life is struggling through a problem. As the years go by, we notice they can get tougher and tougher. At that moment we must realize that they are tougher because we are. The more we break through the distressing times on our journey, the more we can see how pleasant the result. There lies the secret: we must recognize that the good does come with the bad. By overcoming a hard lesson, we get to enjoy the calm serenity that it brings. It’s being aware of the fact that while we are entering an uncomfortable place, it’s happening in order for us to grow along with those involved.

The Splinter Can Be Deep

Sometimes the difficult moment comes from another’s pain. Because their pain is trying to be seen, they lash out at others. Since they’ve tried so hard to contain their pain and hide it, sooner or later it finds a way out. Many times it involves hurting the loved ones around. When we see what’s beginning to happen, we must recognize that someone is sprouting a new branch.

While they fly off the handle, it will go better for us if we see it for what it is. They are simply experiencing a part of them that needs to grow or a part that needs to be dropped because it no longer serves them. Either way, it is more helpful to them that we remain calm and quietly remind them of our love and support. It’s similar to getting a splinter; we know the pain of it in there and know that the process to get it out will be the same. But when it is released from our skin, the uncomfortable part is over and we can carry on with life.

Love Prevails

If we think about it, our annoying feeling stems from the actions of someone else. They don’t want to see it as their wrong actions, but if they’re lucky, something helps them realize they were wrong. Many times this comes about because the one involved is opened to holding space for the other. We can see when someone is going through a rough time; however we might not understand the circumstances. It could all stem from their childhood. They lashed out because there needs to be healing from something that has nothing to do with you. As we use our loving words and allow them private time to acknowledge their problem, it keeps them from feeling abandoned. It isn’t easy standing by and letting someone use harsh words towards us or watch them become upset and take it out on us.

By giving them their space, it allows them to heal. They may not use the time to heal which becomes the hardest part. Only some will take the time and realize their problem from the past. As they deal with the hurtful feelings and practice letting their rage and emotions surface, they’re letting the situation let go of them. All the turmoil ends up being the best feeling in the world. Watching a person realize they are worth the pain is simply a blessing. Seeing a smile and overall calmness show up on their face is a beautiful sight.

The Sacred Feeling of Alignment

Because they did the work and didn’t give up, they get to experience happiness. Since you were there to provide space and support, you had the best seat in the house to watch how someone maneuvers through a lesson and comes out happier than ever. It is truly a sacred space to be in when all aligns. As everything aligns, it is a whisper to us that balance is everything. Some things will become unsteady on our journey, but it is up to us to learn the lesson of working through our problems using love, kindness, and grace. When someone is surrounded by these as they struggle through, it is great evidence that we are onto an important lesson. Always reminding ourselves of all we have ventured through helps the process. It creates the idea that our problem will have an ending where we can see just how far we’ve grown. We recognize we needed to walk through the darkness to see the light.

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