Giving Yourself Permission is Also a Lesson

Giving Yourself Permission is Also a Lesson

Sometimes we have to remember that we’re not in control and the universe that is wants only the good for us. When things seem to be falling apart or no longer has that good exciting purpose behind it, it’s time to move forward without it.

Only for a Season

When we are in this new place, we have to remind ourselves that things can run its course. Not everything that shows up for us will remain. Some of these blessings are only for a season.

As a tutor, I had a client who had bad behavior. I would implement different behavior modifications to help them get back on track and stay focused. But after a few hiccups which included bad behavior toward me, I had to remind myself that I can’t save the world or this student. I did my best, but now they need to move on and find a new path.

Release the Stress

After releasing myself from this client, I could feel the overwhelming amount of stress that I carried just release and fall away. Wow! That was definitely a sign that I was holding onto this client for way too long! In the past, I’ve had to discontinue tutoring students who had bad behavior toward me. I’ve had to speak with parents who try to turn it around on me, however I know it is just the pressures they are feeling.

Because it isn’t my job to take away their bad behavior, I can rest in the fact that I can share my light and knowledge and send love and good juju as some get released. We can sometimes take the blame thinking we could have done something different or better. In actuality, others must step in and realize that they have work as parents to dig deeper in themselves as well as their child.

Step into the Change

By looking at the situation, deciding to slow down their schedule, and living a more simple and connected life, healing can happen for all. Stopping the world a moment in order to re-evaluate is a must. It’s a perfect way to get back on track. Asking questions to the child on how the child feels as well as asking yourself as the parent how you’re feeling in this circumstance can be most helpful. We can see what memory is coming up for us and look at our feelings involved. Letting our child speak about their pain, hurt, and feelings is very healing for all involved.

Positive Potential

As we move through these different changes that are marking a time, we can smile and welcome that change. Not all changes are to hurt us. When we realize that change is actually a good thing with lots of positive potential, we can be happy that we put ourselves first and spoke up. We see that just doing something to keep the status quo is not always to right choice.

Let the new light in and smile. It’s the universe rearranging things in your life for the better. Because some things are here for a reason or a season, it can help us understand that we are in the presence of a gift from the universe.

**Idea from PARENTING SCHOLAR ATHLETES by Pilar Kellenbarger

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