Getting a College Degree is Only the First Step: Now Get a Job & Look for Experience

Getting a College Degree is Only the First Step: Now Get a Job & Look for Experience

With that hard working degree in hand, you’re on top of the world. You see yourself in a comfy swivel chair at a desk looking at the NY skyline. However, you notice you’re not getting any response to your applications sent out after graduation. Hmm, now what do I do?

Starting Off

I remember thinking the same thing and seeing myself in that chair after graduating from PACE University, a reputable college for business in NY. I recall the gut pain as I wasn’t hearing anything back in the mail or by phone from the applications I had filled out. (That was back in the dinosaur years of no technology.) That is when the truth comes out. Although I had a college degree, I had to rely on those jobs that helped me get the degree.

Conquering Loneliness

Sometimes our surroundings are an environment where we have no family members. That is a hard place to be. Feeling lonely and so far away can bring up anxiety or depression in anyone. Now we literally have to go back to the thoughts of our freshman year at college. We probably had the same feelings.

Connect With Yourself & Favorites

Being in a new place with no friends or family can feel overwhelming, especially when you have student loans to think about now. Simply take some time to connect with yourself. Remind yourself what you did at college to help your heart and mind feel better.

Being away from friends and family probably had you learn how to get out and meet others. You had to look into some favorite things and then, bam, there are some new friends. Most look into clubs at college, now it’s the same thing, but now you look into other groups. Looking on social media or at workout event boards is a great start. This is the perfect time to connect with old college roommates and others that may be in the area. Be sure to find a fun sport or hobby and fill your schedule with some fun.

Go into Scholar Athlete Mode

As you look back on how you did an amazing job collecting AP courses in high school for your college years and lived in the scholar athlete mindset for so long, now it’s time to use those qualities and step into the job seeking mode. Words of wisdom for college students are to spend their education finding their passion, not a job. The job and career will come. You will have to use your tenacious and driven qualities to seek out companies that match your beliefs and passions.

Starting Job Search Process

Coming right out of college doesn’t mean one has to have the CEO position as quickly as possible. That’s unlikely unless your family has been training you for the family business. Think about all the jobs you had before college and during and find something there while starting the application process of a new job.

Part time Job While You Wait

As you seek an entry level position in a company that has the same intentions and passions as you, be sure to fill out those applications for coffee and retail companies that you worked. They will offer part time funds leaving you days to book your interviews for other jobs.

Interviews are Practice for the Right One

Remember to use all these interviews as practice for that one interview you want to snag that job you dreamed of. Going online to search for possible questions, wardrobe, and how to sit will be helpful.

Conquer that Nervous Feeling

Yes, you will feel anxious and nervous about your student loans. Reach out to someone at your bursar’s office and ask questions. Set up an appointment and go down to your alma mater and get some help. That’s what they’re there for. Also, speak to a person who recruits students and even those favorite professors. They will go out of their way to be helpful. Seeing you succeed is their goal as well. Set up a day to go back and have lunch with some professors bring along a notepad for note taking.

Learning Never Ends

As you think about where you want to make a difference in the world, you may want to find an online course to help you when you decide where you want to be. Since you’re fresh out of college with your four year degree or even an MBA, you are still in study mode so seek out a Masters degree that might help you enter the job area of the career you’d like to achieve. Some online courses are monthly. Start now and maybe skip busy months like December if you are in a retail job to help pay the bills right now. You’re in charge of you. Make your time count for you and your future.

Family is There for You

Be sure to rely on your family. If you have a family willing to help, take them up on it. It lessens the load and reduces your stress and feeling of anxiety. Keep in mind, everything we do helps us move forward down the path of our journey. No journey is alike, although some intercept. At times, we see how all it all works. We may notice and think out loud, “Oh, wow, look at how that job helped me in this part of my journey!”

Roll Onward

Moving forward is key. Staying put and not showing up at companies in person or limiting yourself to online applications may make you feel unsteady. Since you are creating a limiting space, you are stopping the forward movement of your journey. Get out there and literally drive up to places you sent an application. Think of part time jobs to do just for the moment and remember it isn’t forever. Remind yourself of the fun things you enjoy and schedule those in your weekly calendar. Set up lunches and nail appointments with friends.

Check Your Intention

It’s all about your intention. How do you want to help others with the work you do daily? What is your intention at the end of the day? Be sure to live each day with one. Today, I want the opportunity to help someone somehow. The universe will set that up for you as it’s setting up the rest of your journey. It will be sure to slip some of those in there. Be ready to respond.

Bottom line, we’re here to help others with the gifts we’ve been given. In return, the universe finds a way for it to pay our bills. As you look back at the popcorn trail you’ve created so far, put a smile on your face and get out there with your gift.  

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