5 Ways to Help Your Child Feel Calm During School Closures

5 Ways to Help Your Child Feel Calm During School Closures

During the school closures, we have all had to take on different roles for our child. From chef to teacher, we have found ourselves doing extraordinary things during these extraordinary times. We see their eyes looking at the uncertainty with their heads abound by questions. Here are five ways that you can calm their mind and increase their surroundings with peace.

Learning Meditation

A great way to create a feeling of peace in our mind is to meditate. Many have experience with this, but others may not. If this is a new activity for you, simply sit with your eyes opened in quiet or listening to soothing music. Let your thoughts bring up feelings and emotions. Be sure to remind children not to relive the circumstances that come up, but only the feelings. Some children experience a quiet space they enjoy revisiting. Tears may come, but know that this is a good sign that they are releasing the emotions that no longer serve them. Let them know this is a good thing.

Right now, Oprah and Deepak Chopra are offering another 21 day Meditations that touch on what is happening in the world now. Simply google 21 day meditations with Oprah and Deepak. Once you find the page, click to create a new account and start. There are free meditations where they only last for 5 days each. They both speak separately and they include affirmations with soothing music. They last about 20 minutes each and would be great to add to your schedule with your children.  


Tapping is a great way for children to release negative thoughts and feelings that keep popping into their heads. Go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bohZwV4HRvU  Here you will find spiritual healer Iyanla Vanzant explain how to do tapping. Watch the video with the kids modeling how they can clear these negative feelings that reside in their body. This is a great activity that they can do once back at school or can take with them to college to use during stressful times.


For a beginner yoga workout, watch and follow Sarah Beth’s 15 minute yoga. It is great for all ages and she has a calming voice that professionally moves our bodies from one position to the other with ease. I used it all summer and it’s a wonderful way to stretch our bodies. She has a wonderful manner of telling us how to do each position. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m756Gz8de4M&feature=youtu.be

Exercise in a Fun Way

GoNoodle  www.gonoodle.com   It engages children in movement using mindfulness videos created by child development experts. Whenever in the classroom, children love to do several videos to get their muscles and blood pumping. This can be used as a great way to help get the wiggles out of your children during the school closings. Be sure to put this on your daily schedule.

Scent Diffuser

Everyone seems to have a scent diffuser. Although schools have discontinued their use in the classroom because some students could be allergic, this is a great time to use aroma therapy to transform your space at home into an enjoyable one. Essential oils such as lavender, sweet marjoram, roman chamomile, sandalwood, and vanilla bean are popular blends to create well-being and relaxation.

Enjoy Your New Space

While we are all in an extraordinary place in time, we can use these 5 ideas to help keep our minds, bodies, and environment in a calm and peaceful manner. Since our children are familiar with many of these ideas, enjoy bringing them into their homes to promote peace and tranquility.  

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