Make Your Dreams Come True

Make Your Dreams Come True

Dreams are a part of us all. They are these wonderful thoughts that keep popping into our minds. Some of us chase them, but many of us leave them way back in our minds locked away. As we go about our days, many feel they aren’t worthy when in fact they are. See your dreams, and then take the steps to follow them.

In order to go after these dreams of ours, we have to take that step into the unknown and that can be very uncomfortable for some of us. It’s a scary space, especially when our dreams don’t align with what others are doing, or they don’t align with what others did before us. Because others don’t see things your way doesn’t mean you need to drop it. Know now that’s our fear that must be conquered.

How to Go After Your Dream

Now you may be thinking, how the heck am I going to do that? As you voice this dream to those around you, they may cringe their face, do an eye roll, or just come out and say you’re nuts. However, that’s the perfect time to jump in with both feet! Remind yourself where the dream originated. In addition, remind yourself these are your blessings from God or the Universe helping to guide you along your journey.

Nothing says you have to start big or finish your dream within a month. We all have the price of our dream in the back of our head, however don’t let that aspect keep you from moving forward. We don’t need to go into debt and we don’t need to panic about money. Simply write down your dream, write down some small steps to take to get there, and map out a plan moving at baby steps to see your dream come true.

Realizing My Dream

As I raised my girls, something kept telling me to write about my experiences of being a stay-at-home for awhile and include my teaching experiences. My dream kept nudging me to share what I know, because everyone doesn’t know what I experienced and learned. After I wrote a large number of chapters of my book, the hard part started. I started reading how a writer had to start collecting email addresses through a website. So next, I started my website. Just doing that was difficult, but I persevered. Next, a new writer had to start a Facebook page to share blogs. In addition, I learned to send them out to other potential readers in other countries for a price. After that, I purchased a writer’s course online on installments. As I look back like observing my own popcorn trail, I see how everything connects. It’s a journey, not a two week sprint.

Take Baby Steps

As each step came up, I had to think about it, make a plan, and move forward even if it was baby steps. The book seemed to come to me (downloaded from the heavens) one summer, but then came the need to edit. Thank goodness my very best friend is an editor, because I was sure my message would go out the way I wanted. I successfully started my website on my own on a long weekend two years ago. Growing slowly but surely, my Facebook page where I share these blogs has been a fun project . In addition, the online course showed me the journey of attending writer conferences in order to network and learn how to publish with traditional or self methods.

Looking back, the writing started three years ago, and the website along with my managed Facebook page have been active for two years. It may sound long, but it has gone by in a snap. What I’m trying to allude to is start your dream. Take baby steps towards your path, and follow the popcorn trail. Don’t let your dream fizzle out.

Your Dreams as Stones

Walking the beach during the winter months, there were a lot of rocks getting washed up on shore while much of the sand washes away from this rainy season. These rocks reminded me of everyone’s dreams. Some are fulfilled, yet some just wash up on the shore and stay there. It’s time we start realizing our dreams and going after them. It’s time to take those first steps towards our desires, and aim our focus in the direction of our journey.

Above all, we need to realize our aspirations. During the walk, I noticed that on some parts of the shore, the amount of rocks and stones was in a smaller amount. The shore had nearly half the amount of stones, and then at the end, I noticed no rocks at all. It spoke to me saying some left their dreams to sit and not be seen. Some aspirations are being realized, and when I saw an area of shore with no stones, it spoke to me saying our dreams won’t sit idle. We need to shake the hand of fear, let it known that we aren’t afraid, and venture forth. This dream or aspiration sent to us is in actuality our job here on Earth. We are here to do that job in order to help others around us.

As we live, some dreams ask to become a business owner producing or serving people in a certain way. Others follow a dream of becoming a professional such as a teacher, police officer, and so on. We conceive these dreams and realize why we were pushed into those directions. We’re here to help each other in different ways. Once we do our part, the universe helps us realize aspirations we seek like running a marathon, traveling to a wonder of the world, or simply visiting and spending time with an old friend.

Live Your Dream

Noticing that the rocks vanished from the shore, there was living reef growing beneath the water. I recognize the correlation of reef growing just under the surface of the water like our dreams. It reminds me of dreams being accomplished as I see no stones. It helps me to see that my job here is to write and educate moms and others to take that step towards their vision. As I listen to the universe and relay its knowledge to help others, I’m grateful and honored to guide moms with their angels and other dreamers to aid in their flight.   

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